National Auxiliary Convention 


To our National, Diocese, District Officials, Pastors, Members, and Friends of the First Born Church Of The Living God, Inc.

Mother Cohen and I cannot express just how appreciative we are for the Love, Kindness, and Blessing that you all have shown and have been to us

This past National Auxiliary Convention. 

To all of our speakers both morning, noon, and night Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a mighty way.

And certainly to all of our members and visitors you all are the reason that this meeting was the blessing that it was.

Many of you woke up early and stayed late and didn't mind helping when called upon so for that we say Thank You.

Now until next time may GRACE, LOVE, and PEACE be unto you...

Grace because it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed; Love, because His compassions fail not, they are new every morning;

PEACE, because great is His faithfulness! 

Your Servant Leader,

National Auxiliary Bishop 

Gary L. Cohen, Sr & Mother J. Cohen 


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